
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Marian Urquilla: Building Parallel Processes between Personal and Organizational Transformation

This audio clip is part of an ongoing inquiry into the culture of leadership through the life-experience of social justice workers.

Description: In this particular audio clip Marian shares her experience with organizational transformation from her seat of leadership as an Executive Director. This audio informs individuals wanting to learn about building parallel processes between personal transformation and organization transformation.

Questions to Consider: How do you strive to develop coherency between your beliefs, values, and actions? When you have coherency between beliefs, values, and actions how does it change your work and the way you interact with others?

Interview Date: April 26, 2008

Interview Location: Mebane, North Carolina at the Stone House

T0 learn more about Marian Urquilla read the blog posting entitled, "
Marian Urquilla: Journey to the Center". Enjoy!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Marian Urquilla: Affirming the Life of Staff

This audio clip is part of an ongoing inquiry into the culture of leadership through the life-experience of social justice workers.

Description: In this particular audio clip Marian discussed what it looks like to affirm the life of staff and how it impacts an organization.

Question to Consider: How do you affirm the life of peers, colleagues, and community members and what difference does it make in approaching and realizing the work?

Interview Date: April 26, 2008

Interview Location: Mebane, North Carolina at the Stone House

T0 learn more about Marian Urquilla read the blog posting entitled, "Marian Urquilla: Journey to the Center". Enjoy!